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Games Dashboard

Creating a game with GDevelop is only one step of making a successful game! After you've exported and published a game, it's important to understand how many players are playing to your game, for how long and if they come back to play to it again.

GDevelop helps by offering a games dashboard. Register your game in one click and get access to various metrics - without intrusive trackers, third party applications or compromising your players privacy.


Depending on the terms and conditions under which your game is distributed, you may want to inform and give a way to your players to not send any data. This can be done using an action to enable or disable the metrics.

Registering a game

The first step to get access to metrics of your game is to register your game online. Be sure to have an account created (it's free). After exporting your game, GDevelop will ask if you wish to register your game on GDevelop online services:

Click the button to register the game. Note that you can also open the Games Dashboard from the File menu (on the desktop app) or from the Project Manager (for the web app), and register your game from there. Once it's done, you can access to this specific game dashboard:

View the metrics of your game

When you've opened a game dashboard, navigate to the Analytics tab. This shows various numbers that are useful to understand how successful is your game.

You'll find:

  • the number of sessions (number of time the game was launched),
  • the number of players for the selected day, and the number of new players (that never launched the game before - unless they have uninstalled the game),
  • how many players are playing again for for up to 7 days after the first time they played (this is what is called the "retention").

If you don't have a GDevelop subscription, you'll only get access to the number of sessions - which should still give you an overview of your game success. As GDevelop is providing the analytics, the infrastructure cost and the bandwidth to collect the session metrics, we ask you to support GDevelop by getting a subscription. This will help the development of the game engine for the future and help to strengthen the community!


These data are collected anonymously when a game is launched. It's important to respect the privacy of the players, and no personal information is ever collected or stored. This means that while aggregated data can be useful to understand your audience, you can't know about a particular player, because the information is not stored and players are not tracked individually.

While the presentation of the metrics is for now very simple, it will be improved later to offer a better picture of the sessions played on your game.

About collecting metrics

While GDevelop strive to collect only usage metrics that are anonymized, and limits these to the purpose of analyzing the performance of your game, you may collect other metrics by your own means. In any cases, it's important that you have a clear privacy policy (which will be asked by most app stores anyway) explaining how you use these data and respect the privacy of your users.


If you want to display an explanation before enabling metrics collection, use the action to disable the metrics collection at the beginning of your game, then use the action to enable them again once the player consent to the metrics collection.


If you don't want to collect any metrics at all, use the action to disable the metrics collection at the beginning of your game. By doing this, no data will be sent at all. Of course, this means that you won't be able to follow the number of sessions played on your game.

Manage leaderboards for your games

By clicking on the tab Leaderboards, you can access the Leaderboard Administration interface.