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3D particle emitter (experimental)

Display a large number of particles to create visual effects.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: D8H.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Particle emitters can be used to display:

  • Fire
  • Smoke
  • Splashes
  • Lights


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3D particle emitter

Display a large number of particles to create visual effects.

Object actions

Restart particule emission from the beginning.

Particles move with the emitter
Change if particles move with the emitter.

Emission duration
Change the emission duration of the object.

End color
Change the end color of the object.

End opacity
Change the end opacity of the object.

End scale
Change the end scale of the object.

Flow of particles
Change the flow of particles of the object (particles per second).

Change the gravity of the object.

Gravity top
Change the gravity top of the object.

Max lifespan
Change the max lifespan of the object.

Min lifespan
Change the min lifespan of the object.

Rotation on X axis
Change the rotation on X axis of the emitter.

Rotation on Y axis
Change the rotation on Y axis of the emitter.

Delete when emission ends
Change if delete when emission ends.

Spay cone angle
Change the spay cone angle of the object.

Start color
Change the start color of the object.

Start opacity
Change the start opacity of the object.

Start max size
Change the start max size of the object.

Start min size
Change the start min size of the object.

Max start speed
Change the max start speed of the object.

Min start speed
Change the min start speed of the object.

Z (elevation)
Change the Z position of the emitter.

Object conditions

Particles move with the emitter
Check if particles move with the emitter.

Compare the blending of the object.

Emission duration
Compare the emission duration of the object.

End color
Compare the end color of the object.

End opacity
Compare the end opacity of the object.

End scale
Compare the end scale of the object.

Flow of particles
Compare the flow of particles of the object (particles per second).

Compare the gravity of the object.

Gravity top
Compare the gravity top of the object.

Emission has ended
Check that emission has ended and no particle is alive anymore.

Max lifespan
Compare the max lifespan of the object.

Min lifespan
Compare the min lifespan of the object.

Rotation on X axis
Compare the rotation on X axis of the emitter.

Rotation on Y axis
Compare the rotation on Y axis of the emitter.

Delete when emission ends
Check if delete when emission ends.

Spay cone angle
Compare the spay cone angle of the object.

Start color
Compare the start color of the object.

Start opacity
Compare the start opacity of the object.

Start max size
Compare the start max size of the object.

Start min size
Compare the start min size of the object.

Max start speed
Compare the max start speed of the object.

Min start speed
Compare the min start speed of the object.

Z (elevation)
Compare the Z position of the emitter.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.Blending() Return the blending of the object.
Object.Duration() Return the emission duration of the object.
Object.EndColor() Return the end color of the object.
Object.EndOpacity() Return the end opacity of the object.
Object.EndScale() Return the end scale of the object.
Object.Flow() Return the flow of particles of the object (particles per second).
Object.Gravity() Return the gravity of the object.
Object.GravityTop() Return the gravity top of the object.
Object.LifespanMax() Return the max lifespan of the object.
Object.LifespanMin() Return the min lifespan of the object.
Object.RotationX() Return the rotation on X axis of the emitter.
Object.RotationY() Return the rotation on Y axis of the emitter.
Object.SpayConeAngle() Return the spay cone angle of the object.
Object.StartColor() Return the start color of the object.
Object.StartOpacity() Return the start opacity of the object.
Object.StartSizeMax() Return the start max size of the object.
Object.StartSizeMin() Return the start min size of the object.
Object.StartSpeedMax() Return the max start speed of the object.
Object.StartSpeedMin() Return the min start speed of the object.
Object.Z() Return the Z position of the emitter.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the 3D particle emitter (experimental) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.