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Boids movement (experimental)

Simulates flocks movement.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: planktonfun, D8H.

Simulates swarms or flocks movement following the separation, alignment, cohesion principles. The flock can be attracted to a location or avoid some obstacles.

The Fish School example shows how properties impact on the movement.



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Boids Movement (experimental)

Move as part of a flock.

Behavior actions

Avoid an object
Intend to avoid an area from an object center and a given radius.

Avoid a position
Intend to avoid an area with a given center and radius.

Move in a direction
Intend to move in a given direction.

Move toward an object
Intend to move toward an object.

Move toward a position
Intend to move toward a position.

Alignment sight radius
Return the alignment sight radius.

Alignment weight
Change the weight the alignment takes in the chosen direction.

Cohesion sight radius
Change the cohesion sight radius.

Cohesion weight
Change the weight the cohesion takes in the chosen direction.

Maximum acceleration
Change the maximum acceleration of the object.

Maximum speed
Change the maximum speed of the object.

Separation sight radius
Return the separation sight radius.

Separation weight
Change the weight the separation takes in the chosen direction.

Behavior conditions

Object Rotated
Check if the object is rotated while moving on its path.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.BoidsMovement::AlignmentRadius() Return the alignment sight radius.
Object.BoidsMovement::AlignmentWeight() Return which weight the alignment takes in the chosen direction.
Object.BoidsMovement::CohesionRadius() Return the cohesion sight radius.
Object.BoidsMovement::CohesionWeight() Return which weight the cohesion takes in the chosen direction.
Object.BoidsMovement::MaxAcceleration() Return the maximum acceleration.
Object.BoidsMovement::MaxSpeed() Return the maximum speed.
Object.BoidsMovement::SeparationRadius() Return the separation sight radius.
Object.BoidsMovement::SeparationWeight() Return which weight the separation takes in the chosen direction.
Object.BoidsMovement::Speed() Return the current speed.
Object.BoidsMovement::VelocityX() Return the current vertical speed.
Object.BoidsMovement::VelocityY() Return the current horizontal speed.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Boids movement (experimental) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.