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Expressions reference

Expressions can be entered when you see a field with one of these buttons:

  • The left button indicates a "string expression" (a text)
  • The right button indicates a "numerical expression" (a number)

This page is a reference of all expressions that can be used in GDevelop, grouped by the extension, object or behavior they belong too. When Object is written, you should enter an object name. Learn more here about how to write expressions


Expressions are sometime also called functions, like in mathematics.


Common features that can be used for all objects in GDevelop. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
PickedInstancesCount(objectListOrEmptyWithoutPicking) Return the number of instances picked by the previous conditions (or actions).
objectListOrEmptyWithoutPicking Object
SceneInstancesCount(objectListOrEmptyWithoutPicking) Return the number of instances of the specified objects living on the scene.
objectListOrEmptyWithoutPicking Object
Expression Description
Object.Angle() Current angle, in degrees, of the object
Object.AngleToObject(object) Compute the angle between two objects (in degrees). If you need the angle to an arbitrary position, use AngleToPosition.
object Object
Object.AngleToPosition(number, number) Compute the angle between the object center and a "target" position (in degrees). If you need the angle between two objects, use AngleToObject.
number Target X position
number Target Y position
Object.ArrayVariableFirstNumber(objectvar) Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.
objectvar Array variable
Object.ArrayVariableFirstString(objectvar) Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
objectvar Array variable
Object.ArrayVariableLastNumber(objectvar) Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.
objectvar Array variable
Object.ArrayVariableLastString(objectvar) Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
objectvar Array variable
Object.BoundingBoxBottom() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) bottom position.
Object.BoundingBoxCenterX() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center X position.
Object.BoundingBoxCenterY() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center Y position.
Object.BoundingBoxLeft() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) left position.
Object.BoundingBoxRight() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) right position.
Object.BoundingBoxTop() Return the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) top position.
Object.CenterX() Return the X position of the center of rotation.
Object.CenterY() Return the Y position of the center of rotation.
Object.Distance(object) Distance between two objects
object Object
Object.DistanceToPosition(number, number) Distance between an object and a position
number Target X position
number Target Y position
Object.ForceAngle() Angle of the sum of forces (in degrees)
Object.ForceLength() Length of the sum of forces
Object.ForceX() X coordinate of the sum of forces
Object.ForceY() Y coordinate of the sum of forces
Object.Height() Height of the object
Object.Layer() Return the name of the layer the object is on
Object.ObjectName() Return the name of the object
Object.ObjectTimerElapsedTime(identifier) Value of an object timer
identifier Timer's name
Object.SqDistance(object) Square distance between two objects
object Object
Object.SqDistanceToPosition(number, number) Square distance between an object and a position
number Target X position
number Target Y position
Object.Variable(objectvar) Number value of an object variable
objectvar Variable
Object.VariableChildCount(objectvar) Number of children in an object array or structure variable
objectvar Array or structure variable
Object.VariableString(objectvar) Text of an object variable
objectvar Variable
Object.Width() Width of the object
Object.X() X position of the object
Object.XFromAngleAndDistance(number, number) Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
number Angle, in degrees
number Distance
Object.Y() Y position of the object
Object.YFromAngleAndDistance(number, number) Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
number Angle, in degrees
number Distance
Object.ZOrder() Z-order of an object


Animated object which can be used for most elements of a game Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.AnimationFrameCount() Number of frames in the current animation of the object
Object.PointX(objectPointName) X position of a point
objectPointName Name of the point
Object.PointY(objectPointName) Y position of a point
objectPointName Name of the point
Object.Sprite() Current frame of the animation of the object


Expressions to convert number, texts and quantities. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
GlobalVarToJSON(globalvar) Convert a global variable to JSON
globalvar The global variable to be stringified
LargeNumberToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text, without using the scientific notation
number Expression to be converted to text
ObjectVarToJSON(object, objectvar) Convert an object variable to JSON
object The object with the variable
objectvar The object variable to be stringified
ToDeg(number) Converts the angle, expressed in radians, into degrees
number Angle, in radians
ToJSON(scenevar) Convert a scene variable to JSON
scenevar Scene variable to be stringified
ToNumber(string) Convert the text to a number
string Text to convert to a number
ToRad(number) Converts the angle, expressed in degrees, into radians
number Angle, in degrees
ToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text
number Expression to be converted to text


Actions, conditions and expressions to handle variables, from simple variables like the player score, the number of remaining lives to complex variables containing arbitrary data like an inventory or the result of a web request. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
GlobalVariable(globalvar) Number value of a global variable
globalvar Name of the global variable
GlobalVariableChildCount(globalvar) Number of children in a global array or structure variable
globalvar Array or structure variable
GlobalVariableFirstNumber(globalvar) Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable
globalvar Array variable
GlobalVariableFirstString(globalvar) Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
globalvar Array variable
GlobalVariableLastNumber(globalvar) Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable
globalvar Array variable
GlobalVariableLastString(globalvar) Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.
globalvar Array variable
GlobalVariableString(globalvar) Text of a global variable
globalvar Variable
SceneVariableFirstNumber(scenevar) Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.
scenevar Array variable
SceneVariableFirstString(scenevar) Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).
scenevar Array variable
SceneVariableLastNumber(scenevar) Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.
scenevar Array variable
SceneVariableLastString(scenevar) Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).
scenevar Array variable
Variable(scenevar) Number value of a scene variable
scenevar Variable
VariableChildCount(scenevar) Number of children in a scene array or structure variable
scenevar Array or structure variable
VariableString(scenevar) Text of a scene variable
scenevar Variable

Mouse and touch

Conditions and actions to handle either the mouse or touches on touchscreen. By default, conditions related to the mouse will also handle the touches - so that it's easier to handle both in your game. You can disable this behavior if you want to handle them separately in different events. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
CursorX(layer, number) Return the X position of the cursor or of a touch.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
CursorY(layer, number) Return the Y position of the cursor or of a touch.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
MouseWheelDelta() Mouse wheel displacement
StartedTouchOrMouseCount() The number of touches (including the mouse) that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId().
StartedTouchOrMouseId(number) The identifier of the touch or mouse that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseCount().
number Touch index
TouchX(number, layer, number) Return the X position of a specific touch.
number Touch identifier
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
TouchY(number, layer, number) Return the Y position of a specific touch.
number Touch identifier
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.


Allows your game to respond to keyboard input. Note that this does not work with on-screen keyboard on touch devices: use instead conditions related to touch when making a game for mobile/touchscreen devices. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
LastPressedKey() Get the name of the latest key pressed on the keyboard


Actions and conditions to manipulate the scenes during the game.

Expression Description
CurrentSceneName() Name of the current scene

Timers and time

Actions and conditions to run timers, get the current time or modify the time scale (speed at which the game is running - useful for slow motion effects). Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Time(string) Current time
string Hour: hour - Minutes: min - Seconds: sec - Day of month: mday - Months since January: mon - Year since 1900: year - Days since Sunday: wday - Days since Jan 1st: yday - Timestamp (ms): timestamp"
TimeDelta() Time elapsed since the last frame rendered on screen
TimeFromStart() Time elapsed since the beginning of the scene
TimeScale() Returns the time scale of the scene.
TimerElapsedTime(identifier) Value of a scene timer
identifier Timer's name

Mathematical tools

A set of mathematical functions that can be used in expressions.

Expression Description
AngleBetweenPositions(number, number, number, number) Compute the angle between two positions (in degrees).
number First point X position
number First point Y position
number Second point X position
number Second point Y position
AngleDifference(number, number) Difference between two angles
number First angle, in degrees
number Second angle, in degrees
DistanceBetweenPositions(number, number, number, number) Compute the distance between two positions.
number First point X position
number First point Y position
number Second point X position
number Second point Y position
Pi() The number Pi (3.1415...)
Random(number) Random integer
number Maximum value
RandomFloat(number) Random float
number Maximum value
RandomFloatInRange(number, number) Random float in range
number Minimum value
number Maximum value
RandomInRange(number, number) Random integer in range
number Minimum value
number Maximum value
RandomWithStep(number, number, number) Random value in steps
number Minimum value
number Maximum value
number Step
XFromAngleAndDistance(number, number) Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
number Angle, in degrees
number Distance
YFromAngleAndDistance(number, number) Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
number Angle, in degrees
number Distance
abs(number) Absolute value
number Expression
acos(number) Arccosine, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
number Expression
acosh(number) Hyperbolic arccosine
number Expression
asin(number) Arcsine, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
number Expression
asinh(number) Arcsine
number Expression
atan(number) Arctangent, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
number Expression
atan2(number, number) 2 argument arctangent (atan2)
number Y
number X
atanh(number) Hyperbolic arctangent
number Expression
cbrt(number) Cube root
number Expression
ceil(number) Round number up to an integer
number Expression
ceilTo(number, number) Round number up to the Nth decimal place
number Expression
number Expression Optional.
clamp(number, number, number) Restrict a value to a given range
number Value
number Min
number Max
cos(number) Cosine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: sin(ToRad(45)).
number Expression
cosh(number) Hyperbolic cosine
number Expression
cot(number) Cotangent of a number
number Expression
csc(number) Cosecant of a number
number Expression
exp(number) Exponential of a number
number Expression
floor(number) Round number down to an integer
number Expression
floorTo(number, number) Round number down to the Nth decimal place
number Expression
number Expression Optional.
lerp(number, number, number) Linearly interpolate a to b by x
number a (in a+(b-a) * x)
number b (in a+(b-a) * x)
number x (in a+(b-a) * x)
lerpAngle(number, number, number) Linearly interpolates between two angles (in degrees) by taking the shortest direction around the circle.
number Starting angle, in degrees
number Destination angle, in degrees
number Interpolation value between 0 and 1.
log(number) Logarithm
number Expression
log10(number) Base-10 logarithm
number Expression
log2(number) Base 2 Logarithm
number Expression
max(number, number) Maximum of two numbers
number First expression
number Second expression
min(number, number) Minimum of two numbers
number First expression
number Second expression
mod(number, number) x mod y
number x (as in x mod y)
number y (as in x mod y)
normalize(number, number, number) Remap a value between 0 and 1.
number Value
number Min
number Max
nthroot(number, number) Nth root of a number
number Number
number N
pow(number, number) Raise a number to power n
number Number
number The exponent (n in "x to the power n")
round(number) Round a number
number Expression
roundTo(number, number) Round a number to the Nth decimal place
number Expression
number Expression Optional.
sec(number) Secant
number Expression
sign(number) Return the sign of a number (1,-1 or 0)
number Expression
sin(number) Sine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: sin(ToRad(45)).
number Expression
sinh(number) Hyperbolic sine
number Expression
sqrt(number) Square root of a number
number Expression
tan(number) Tangent of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: tan(ToRad(45)).
number Expression
tanh(number) Hyperbolic tangent
number Expression
trunc(number) Truncate a number
number Expression

Layers and cameras

Each scene can be composed of multiple layers. These conditions and actions allow to manipulate them during the game. In particular, you can move the camera of a layer to center it on an object or a position. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
CameraAngle(layer, number) Return the angle of rotation of a camera (in degrees).
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
CameraBorderBottom(layer, number) Return the position of the bottom border of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraBorderLeft(layer, number) Return the position of the left border of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraBorderRight(layer, number) Return the position of the right border of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraBorderTop(layer, number) Return the position of the top border of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraCenterX(layer, number) Return the X position of the center of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
CameraCenterY(layer, number) Return the Y position of the center of a camera.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
CameraHeight(layer, number) Return the height of a camera of a layer.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraWidth(layer, number) Return the width of a camera of a layer.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number Optional.
CameraZoom(layer, number) Zoom of a camera of a layer
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
LayerDefaultZOrder(layer) Default Z Order for a layer
layer Layer
LayerTimeScale(layer) Returns the time scale of the specified layer.
layer Layer

Sounds and music

GDevelop provides several conditions and actions to play audio files. They can be either long music or short sound effects. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
GlobalVolume() Global volume value
MusicChannelPitch(number) Music's pitch
number Channel
MusicChannelPlayingOffset(number) Music playing offset
number Channel
MusicChannelVolume(number) Music volume
number Channel
SoundChannelPitch(number) Sound's pitch
number Channel
SoundChannelPlayingOffset(number) Sound playing offset
number Channel
SoundChannelVolume(number) Sound volume
number Channel

Game window and resolution

Provides actions and conditions to manipulate the game window. Depending on the platform on which the game is running, not all of these features can be applied. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
SceneWindowHeight() Height of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)
SceneWindowWidth() Width of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)
ScreenHeight() Height of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)
ScreenWidth() Width of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)
WindowTitle() Window's title

Text manipulation

Provides expressions to manipulate strings (also called texts).

Expression Description
FromCodePoint(number) Get character from code point
number Code point
NewLine() Insert a new line
StrAt(string, number) Get a character from a text
string Text
number Position of the character (the first letter is at position 0)
StrFind(string, string) Search in a text (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
StrFindFrom(string, string, number) Search in a text, starting from a position (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
number Position of the first character in the string to be considered in the search
StrFindLast(string, string) Search the last occurrence in a string (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
StrFindLastFrom(string, string, number) Search in a text the last occurrence, starting from a position (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)
string Text
string Text to search for
number Position of the last character in the string to be considered in the search
StrLength(string) Length of a text
string Text
StrRepeat(string, number) Repeat a text
string Text to repeat
number Repetition count
SubStr(string, number, number) Get a portion of a text
string Text
number Start position of the portion (the first letter is at position 0)
number Length of the portion
ToLowerCase(string) Lowercase a text
string Text
ToUpperCase(string) Uppercase a text
string Text

Event functions

Advanced control features for functions made with events.

Expression Description
GetArgumentAsNumber(functionParameterName) Get function parameter (also called "argument") value.
functionParameterName Parameter name
GetArgumentAsString(functionParameterName) Get function parameter (also called "argument") text.
functionParameterName Parameter name

Animatable capability

Animate objects. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Animation::Index() Return the number of the animation played by the object (the number from the animations list).
Object.Animation::Name() Return the animation played by the object using the name of the animation..
Object.Animation::SpeedScale() Return the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).

Effect capability

Apply visual effects to objects. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Flippable capability

Flip objects. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Resizable capability

Change the object dimensions. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Scalable capability

Change the object scale. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Scale::Value() Return the scale of the object (default scale is 1).
Object.Scale::X() Return the scale on X axis of the object (default scale is 1).
Object.Scale::Y() Return the scale on Y axis of the object (default scale is 1).

Opacity capability

Change the object opacity. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Opacity::Value() Return the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

Platform (from extension Platform behavior)

Flag objects as being platforms which characters can run on. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Platformer character (from extension Platform behavior)

Jump and run on platforms. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.PlatformerObject::Acceleration() Return the horizontal acceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).
Object.PlatformerObject::CurrentFallSpeed() Return the current fall speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.
Object.PlatformerObject::CurrentJumpSpeed() Current jump speed
Object.PlatformerObject::CurrentSpeed() Return the current horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second). The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones
Object.PlatformerObject::Deceleration() Return the horizontal deceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).
Object.PlatformerObject::Gravity() Return the gravity applied on the object (in pixels per second per second).
Object.PlatformerObject::JumpSpeed() Return the jump speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.
Object.PlatformerObject::JumpSustainTime() Return the jump sustain time of the object (in seconds).This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.
Object.PlatformerObject::LadderClimbingSpeed() Return the ladder climbing speed of the object (in pixels per second).
Object.PlatformerObject::MaxFallingSpeed() Return the maximum falling speed of the object (in pixels per second).
Object.PlatformerObject::MaxSpeed() Return the maximum horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second).

Destroy when outside of the screen (from extension Destroy Outside Screen Behavior)

Destroy objects automatically when they go outside of the screen's borders. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Tiled Sprite (from extension Tiled Sprite Object)

Displays an image repeated over an area. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.XOffset() Return the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.
Object.YOffset() Return the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.

Draggable object (from extension Draggable Behavior)

Move objects by holding a mouse button (or touch). Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Top-down movement (4 or 8 directions) (from extension Top-down movement)

Move objects left, up, right, and down (and, optionally, diagonally). Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.TopDownMovement::Acceleration() Acceleration of the object
Object.TopDownMovement::Angle() Angle, in degrees, of the movement
Object.TopDownMovement::AngleOffset() Rotation offset applied to the object
Object.TopDownMovement::AngularMaxSpeed() Angular maximum speed of the object
Object.TopDownMovement::Deceleration() Deceleration of the object
Object.TopDownMovement::MaxSpeed() Maximum speed of the object
Object.TopDownMovement::MovementAngleOffset() Return the movement angle offset.
Object.TopDownMovement::Speed() Speed of the object
Object.TopDownMovement::StickAngle() Return the angle of the simulated stick input (in degrees)
Object.TopDownMovement::XVelocity() Speed on the X axis of the movement
Object.TopDownMovement::YVelocity() Speed on the Y axis of the movement

Text (from extension Text object)

Displays a text on the screen. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Angle() Angle
Object.FontSize() Return the font size of a text object.
Object.Padding() Padding
Object.String() Text

Particles emitter (from extension Particle system)

Displays a large number of small particles to create visual effects. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.ConeSprayAngle() Angle of the spray cone
Object.CurrentParticleCount() Number of particles currently displayed.
Object.EmitterAngle() Emission angle of the particles.
Object.EmitterForceMax() The maximal emission force of the particles.
Object.EmitterForceMin() The minimal emission force of the particles.
Object.Flow() Flow of the particles (particles/second).
Object.MaxParticlesCount() Return the maximum number of displayed particles.
Object.ParticleAlpha1() Start opacity of the particles.
Object.ParticleAlpha2() End opacity of the particles.
Object.ParticleBlue1() The start color blue component of the particles.
Object.ParticleBlue2() The end color blue component of the particles.
Object.ParticleGravityAngle() Angle of gravity.
Object.ParticleGravityLength() Value of gravity.
Object.ParticleGravityX() Gravity of particles applied on X-axis.
Object.ParticleGravityY() Gravity of particles applied on Y-axis.
Object.ParticleGreen1() The start color green component of the particles.
Object.ParticleGreen2() The end color green component of the particles.
Object.ParticleLifeTimeMax() Maximum lifetime of the particles.
Object.ParticleLifeTimeMin() Minimum lifetime of the particles.
Object.ParticleRed1() The start color red component of the particles.
Object.ParticleRed2() The end color red component of the particles.
Object.ParticleRotationMaxSpeed() Return the maximum rotation speed of the particles.
Object.ParticleRotationMinSpeed() Return the minimum rotation speed of the particles.
Object.ParticleSize1() Start size of particles.
Object.ParticleSize2() End size of particles.
Object.RendererParam1() Rendering first parameter
Object.RendererParam2() Rendering second parameter
Object.Tank() Capacity of the particle tank.
Object.Texture() Name of the image displayed by particles.
Object.ZoneRadius() The radius of the emission zone.

Panel Sprite ("9-patch") (from extension Panel Sprite (9-patch) Object)

An image with edges and corners that are stretched separately from the full image. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this object.


Anchor objects to the window's bounds. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this behavior.

Shape painter

Allows you to draw simple shapes on the screen using the events. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Antialiasing() Returns the type of anti-aliasing in use: none, low, medium, or high.
Object.FillColorBlue() Filing color blue component
Object.FillColorGreen() Filing color green component
Object.FillColorRed() Filing color red component
Object.FillOpacity() Filling opacity
Object.OutlineColorBlue() Outline color blue component
Object.OutlineColorGreen() Outline color green component
Object.OutlineColorRed() Outline color red component
Object.OutlineOpacity() Outline opacity
Object.OutlineSize() Outline size
Object.ToDrawingX(number, number) X drawing coordinate of a point from the scene
number X scene position
number Y scene position
Object.ToDrawingY(number, number) Y drawing coordinate of a point from the scene
number X scene position
number Y scene position
Object.ToSceneX(number, number) X scene coordinate of a point from the drawing
number X drawing position
number Y drawing position
Object.ToSceneY(number, number) Y scene coordinate of a point from the drawing
number X drawing position
number Y drawing position

Text entry (from extension Text entry object)

Invisible object used to get the text entered with the keyboard. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.String() Text entered with keyboard


Provides actions and conditions to add an inventory to your game, with items in memory. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Inventory::Count(string, string) Get the number of an item in the inventory
string Inventory name
string Item name
Inventory::Maximum(string, string) Get the maximum of an item in the inventory, or 0 if it is unlimited
string Inventory name
string Item name

Pathfinding (from extension Pathfinding behavior)

Move objects to a target while avoiding all objects that are flagged as obstacles. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Pathfinding::Acceleration() Acceleration of the object on the path
Object.Pathfinding::AngleOffset() Rotation offset applied the object on the path
Object.Pathfinding::AngularMaxSpeed() Angular maximum speed of the object on the path
Object.Pathfinding::CellHeight() Height of the virtual grid
Object.Pathfinding::CellWidth() Width of the virtual grid
Object.Pathfinding::DestinationX() Destination X position
Object.Pathfinding::DestinationY() Destination Y position
Object.Pathfinding::ExtraBorder() Extra border applied the object on the path
Object.Pathfinding::GetNodeX(number) Get next waypoint X position
number Node index (start at 0!)
Object.Pathfinding::GetNodeY(number) Get next waypoint Y position
number Node index (start at 0!)
Object.Pathfinding::GridOffsetX() Return X offset of the virtual grid.
Object.Pathfinding::GridOffsetY() Return Y offset of the virtual grid.
Object.Pathfinding::LastNodeX() Last waypoint X position
Object.Pathfinding::LastNodeY() Last waypoint Y position
Object.Pathfinding::MaxSpeed() Maximum speed of the object on the path
Object.Pathfinding::MovementAngle() Angle of movement on its path
Object.Pathfinding::NextNodeIndex() Get the index of the next waypoint to reach
Object.Pathfinding::NextNodeX() Get next waypoint X position
Object.Pathfinding::NextNodeY() Get next waypoint Y position
Object.Pathfinding::NodeCount() Get the number of waypoints on the path
Object.Pathfinding::Speed() Speed of the object on the path

Obstacle for pathfinding (from extension Pathfinding behavior)

Flag objects as being obstacles for pathfinding. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.PathfindingObstacle::Cost() Obstacle cost

Physics Engine (from extension Physics Engine (deprecated))

Make objects move as if they are subject to the laws of physics. If you're creating a new game, prefer Physics Engine 2.0 Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Physics::AngularDamping() Angular damping
Object.Physics::AngularVelocity() Angular speed
Object.Physics::LinearDamping() Linear damping
Object.Physics::LinearVelocity() Linear speed
Object.Physics::LinearVelocityX() X component
Object.Physics::LinearVelocityY() Y component
Object.Physics::PolygonScaleX() Collision polygon X scale
Object.Physics::PolygonScaleY() Collision polygon Y scale


Support for 3D in GDevelop.

Expression Description
Scene3D::CameraFarPlane(layer, number) Return the camera far plane distance.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
Scene3D::CameraFov(layer, number) Return the camera field of view.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
Scene3D::CameraNearPlane(layer, number) Return the camera near plane distance.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
Scene3D::CameraRotationX(layer, number) Return the camera rotation on X axis.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
Scene3D::CameraRotationY(layer, number) Return the camera rotation on Y axis.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.
Scene3D::CameraZ(layer, number) Return the camera position on Z axis.
layer Layer Optional.
number Camera number (default : 0) Optional.

3D Box (from extension 3D)

A 3D box.

No expressions for this object.

3D Model (from extension 3D)

A 3D model.

No expressions for this object.

3D capability (from extension 3D)

Move the object in 3D space.

Expression Description
Object.Object3D::Depth() Return the depth (size on Z axis).
Object.Object3D::RotationX() Return the rotation on X axis.
Object.Object3D::RotationY() Return the rotation on Y axis.
Object.Object3D::ScaleZ() Return the scale on Z axis of an object (default scale is 1).
Object.Object3D::Z() Return the Z position (the "elevation").

Advanced window management

Provides advanced features related to the game window positioning and interaction with the operating system.

Expression Description
AdvancedWindow::WindowOpacity() Returns the current window opacity (a number from 0 to 1, 1 being fully opaque).
AdvancedWindow::WindowX() Returns the current window X position.
AdvancedWindow::WindowY() Returns the current window Y position.

BBText (from extension BBCode Text Object)

Displays a rich text label using BBCode markup (allowing to set parts of the text as bold, italic, use different colors and shadows). Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.GetAlignment() Get the text alignment
Object.GetBBText() Get BBCode text
Object.GetFontFamily() Get the base font family
Object.GetFontSize() Get the base font size
Object.GetWrappingWidth() Get the wrapping width

Bitmap Text

Displays a text using a "Bitmap Font" (an image representing characters). This is more performant than a traditional Text object and it allows for complete control on the characters aesthetic. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Alignment() Return the text alignment.
Object.FontName() Return the font name (defined in the Bitmap font).
Object.FontSize() Return the font size, defined in the Bitmap Font.
Object.Text() Return the text.
Object.WrappingWidth() Return the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line.

Device sensors

Allow the game to access the sensors of a mobile device. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
DeviceSensors::AccelerationX() Get the devices acceleration on the X-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::AccelerationY() Get the devices acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::AccelerationZ() Get the devices acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s²)
DeviceSensors::OrientationAbsolute() Get if the devices orientation is absolute and not relative
DeviceSensors::OrientationAlpha() Get the devices orientation Alpha (compass)
DeviceSensors::OrientationBeta() Get the devices orientation Beta
DeviceSensors::OrientationGamma() Get the devices orientation Gamma value
DeviceSensors::RotationAlpha() Get the devices rotation Alpha
DeviceSensors::RotationBeta() Get the devices rotation Beta
DeviceSensors::RotationGamma() Get the devices rotation Gamma

Dialogue Tree

Handle dialogue trees, made using Yarn Spinner. Useful to make complex dialogues with multiple choices. The Yarn Spinner editor is embedded in GDevelop so you can edit your dialogues without leaving GDevelop. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
DialogueTree::BranchTag(number) Get a tag of the current branch of the running dialogue via its index
number Tag Index Number
DialogueTree::BranchTags() Get the tags of the current branch of the running dialogue
DialogueTree::BranchText() Get the full raw text of the current branch
DialogueTree::BranchTitle() Get the title of the current branch of the running dialogue
DialogueTree::ClippedLineText() Get dialogue line text clipped by the typewriter effect. Use the "Scroll clipped text" action to control the typewriter effect.
DialogueTree::CommandParameter(number) Get the parameters of a command call - <>
number parameter Index Number Optional.
DialogueTree::CommandParametersCount() Get the number of parameters in the currently passed command
DialogueTree::HorizontalOptionsList(string) Get the text of all available options from an Options line type as a horizontal list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->
string Options Selection Cursor
DialogueTree::LineText() Returns the current dialogue line text
DialogueTree::Option(number) Get the text of an option from an Options line type, using the option's Number. The numbers start from 0.
number Option Index Number
DialogueTree::OptionsCount() Get the number of options in an options line type
DialogueTree::SelectedOptionIndex() Get the number of the currently selected option. Use this to help you render the option selection marker at the right place.
DialogueTree::TagParameter(number) Get parameter from a Tag found by the branch contains tag condition
number parameter Index Number Optional.
DialogueTree::Variable(string) Get dialogue state value
string Variable Name
DialogueTree::VerticalOptionsList(string) Get the text of all available options from an Options line type as a vertical list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->
string Options Selection Cursor
DialogueTree::VisitedBranchTitles() Get a list of all visited branches

Facebook Instant Games

Allow your game to send scores and interact with the Facebook Instant Games platform. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
FacebookInstantGames::PlayerId() Get the player unique identifier
FacebookInstantGames::PlayerName() Get the player name

File system

Access the filesystem of the operating system. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
FileSystem::DesktopPath() Get the path to the desktop folder.
FileSystem::DirectoryName(string) Returns the portion of the path that represents the directories, without the ending file name.
string File or folder path
FileSystem::DocumentsPath() Get the path to the documents folder.
FileSystem::ExecutableFolderPath() Get the path to this game executable folder.
FileSystem::ExecutablePath() Get the path to this game executable file.
FileSystem::ExtensionName(string) Returns the extension of the file designated by the given path, including the extension period. For example: ".txt".
string File path
FileSystem::FileName(string) Returns the name of the file with its extension, if any.
string File path
FileSystem::PathDelimiter() Get the operating system path delimiter.
FileSystem::PicturesPath() Get the path to the pictures folder.
FileSystem::TempPath() Get the path to temp folder.
FileSystem::UserHomePath() Get the path to the user home folder.
FileSystem::UserdataPath() Get the path to userdata folder (for application settings).


Use Google Firebase services (database, functions, storage...) in your game. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Firebase::GetAccountCreationTime() Gets the accounts creation time.
Firebase::GetAuthToken(string) Get the user authentication token. The token is the proof of authentication.
string Setting Name
Firebase::GetLastLoginTime() Gets the user last login time.
Firebase::GetPhoneNumber() Gets the user phone number.
Firebase::GetPhotoURL() Gets an URL to the user profile picture.
Firebase::GetRefreshToken() Gets the user refresh token. For advanced usage only.
Firebase::GetRemoteConfigNumber(string) Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as Number.
string Setting Name
Firebase::GetRemoteConfigString(string) Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as a string.
string Setting Name
Firebase::GetTenantID() Gets the user tenant ID. For advanced usage only.
Firebase::GetUserDisplayName() Gets the user display name.
Firebase::GetUserEmail() Gets the user email address.
Firebase::GetUserUID() Gets the user Unique IDentifier. Use that to link data to an user instead of the name or email.
Firebase::ServerTimestamp() Set a field to the timestamp on the server when the request arrives there


Allow your game to send scores to your leaderboards. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Leaderboards::FormatPlayerName(string) Formats a name so that it can be submitted to a leaderboard.
string Raw player name
Leaderboards::LastSaveError(leaderboardId) Get the error of the last save attempt.
leaderboardId Leaderboard If no leaderboard is specified, will return the value related to the last leaderboard save action. Optional.

Light (from extension Lights)

Displays a light on the scene, with a customizable radius and color. Add then the Light Obstacle behavior to the objects that must act as obstacle to the lights.

No expressions for this object.

Light Obstacle Behavior (from extension Lights)

Flag objects as being obstacles to light. The light emitted by light objects will be stopped by the object.

No expressions for this behavior.


Allow game instances to communicate remotely using messages sent via WebRTC (P2P). Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
P2P::GetEventData(string) Returns the data received when the specified event was last triggered
string Event name
P2P::GetEventSender(string) Returns the id of the peer that triggered the event
string Event name
P2P::GetID() Gets the client ID of the current game instance
P2P::GetLastConnectedPeer() Gets the ID of the newly connected peer.
P2P::GetLastDisconnectedPeer() Gets the ID of the latest peer that has disconnected.
P2P::GetLastError() Gets the description of the last P2P error

Physics Engine 2.0

Simulate realistic object physics with gravity, forces, joints, etc. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Physics2::AngularDamping() Get the angular damping of an object.
Object.Physics2::AngularVelocity() Get the angular velocity of an object.
Object.Physics2::Density() Get the density of an object.
Object.Physics2::DistanceJointDampingRatio(number) Distance joint damping ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::DistanceJointFrequency(number) Distance joint frequency
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::DistanceJointLength(number) Distance joint length
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::Friction() Get the friction of an object.
Object.Physics2::FrictionJointMaxForce(number) Friction joint maximum force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::FrictionJointMaxTorque(number) Friction joint maximum torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::GearJointFirstJoint(number) Gear joint first joint
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::GearJointRatio(number) Gear joint ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::GearJointSecondJoint(number) Gear joint second joint
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::GravityScale() Get the gravity scale of an object.
Object.Physics2::GravityX() World gravity on X axis
Object.Physics2::GravityY() World gravity on Y axis
Object.Physics2::Inertia() Return the rotational inertia of the object (in kilograms * meters * meters)
Object.Physics2::JointFirstAnchorX(number) Joint first anchor X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::JointFirstAnchorY(number) Joint first anchor Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::JointReactionForce(number) Joint reaction force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::JointReactionTorque(number) Joint reaction torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::JointSecondAnchorX(number) Joint second anchor X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::JointSecondAnchorY(number) Joint second anchor Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::LinearDamping() Get the linear damping of an object.
Object.Physics2::LinearVelocity() Get the linear velocity of an object.
Object.Physics2::LinearVelocityAngle() Get the linear velocity angle of an object.
Object.Physics2::LinearVelocityX() Get the linear velocity of an object on X axis.
Object.Physics2::LinearVelocityY() Get the linear velocity of an object on Y axis.
Object.Physics2::Mass() Return the mass of the object (in kilograms)
Object.Physics2::MassCenterX() Mass center X
Object.Physics2::MassCenterY() Mass center Y
Object.Physics2::MotorJointAngularOffset(number) Motor joint angular offset
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MotorJointCorrectionFactor(number) Motor joint correction factor
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MotorJointMaxForce(number) Motor joint maximum force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MotorJointMaxTorque(number) Motor joint maximum torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MotorJointOffsetX(number) Motor joint offset X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MotorJointOffsetY(number) Motor joint offset Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MouseJointDampingRatio(number) Mouse joint damping ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MouseJointFrequency(number) Mouse joint frequency
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MouseJointMaxForce(number) Mouse joint maximum force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MouseJointTargetX(number) Mouse joint target X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::MouseJointTargetY(number) Mouse joint target Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointAxisAngle(number) Prismatic joint axis angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointMaxMotorForce(number) Prismatic joint maximum motor force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointMaxTranslation(number) Prismatic joint maximum translation
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointMinTranslation(number) Prismatic joint minimum translation
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointMotorForce(number) Prismatic joint motor force
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointMotorSpeed(number) Prismatic joint motor speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointReferenceAngle(number) Prismatic joint reference angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointSpeed(number) Prismatic joint speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PrismaticJointTranslation(number) Prismatic joint current translation
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointFirstGroundAnchorX(number) Pulley joint first ground anchor X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointFirstGroundAnchorY(number) Pulley joint first ground anchor Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointFirstLength(number) Pulley joint first length
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointRatio(number) Pulley joint ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointSecondGroundAnchorX(number) Pulley joint second ground anchor X
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointSecondGroundAnchorY(number) Pulley joint second ground anchor Y
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::PulleyJointSecondLength(number) Pulley joint second length
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::Restitution() Get the restitution of an object.
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointAngle(number) Revolute joint current angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointMaxAngle(number) Revolute joint maximum angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointMaxMotorTorque(number) Revolute joint maximum motor torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointMinAngle(number) Revolute joint minimum angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointMotorSpeed(number) Revolute joint motor speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointMotorTorque(number) Revolute joint motor torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointReferenceAngle(number) Revolute joint reference angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RevoluteJointSpeed(number) Revolute joint angular speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::RopeJointMaxLength(number) Rope joint maximum length
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::TimeScale() World time scale
Object.Physics2::WeldJointDampingRatio(number) Weld joint damping ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WeldJointFrequency(number) Weld joint frequency
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WeldJointReferenceAngle(number) Weld joint reference angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointAxisAngle(number) Wheel joint axis angle
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointDampingRatio(number) Wheel joint damping ratio
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointFrequency(number) Wheel joint frequency
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointMaxMotorTorque(number) Wheel joint maximum motor torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointMotorSpeed(number) Wheel joint motor speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointMotorTorque(number) Wheel joint motor torque
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointSpeed(number) Wheel joint speed
number Joint ID
Object.Physics2::WheelJointTranslation(number) Wheel joint current translation
number Joint ID

Player Authentication

Allow your game to authenticate players. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
PlayerAuthentication::Username() Get the username of the authenticated player.

Text input (from extension Text Input)

A text field the player can type text into.

Expression Description
Object.BorderOpacity() Return the border opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque).
Object.BorderWidth() Return the border width.
Object.FillOpacity() Return the fill opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque).
Object.Font size() Return the font size.
Object.FontResourceName() Return the font name.
Object.InputType() Return the input type.
Object.Placeholder() Return the placeholder.
Object.Text() Return the text.

Tilemap collision mask (from extension Tilemap)

Invisible object handling collisions with parts of a tilemap. Read more explanations about it.

No expressions for this object.


Displays a tiled-based map, made with the Tiled editor ( or the LDtk editor ( Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.AnimationFps() Get the animation speed (in frames per second)
Object.AnimationSpeedScale() Get the Animation speed scale
Object.LayerIndex() Get the layer index being displayed
Object.LevelIndex() Return the level index being displayed..


Animate object properties over time. This allows smooth transitions, animations or movement of objects to specified positions. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Tween::Ease(string, number, number, number) Tween between 2 values according to an easing function.
string Easing
number From value
number To value
number Weighting From 0 to 1.

Tween (from extension Tweening)

Smoothly animate position, angle, scale and other properties of objects. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.Tween::Progress(identifier) Progress of a tween (between 0.0 and 1.0)
identifier Tween Identifier


Displays a video. Read more explanations about it.

Expression Description
Object.CurrentTime() Return the current time of a video object (in seconds).
Object.Duration() Return the duration of a video object (in seconds).
Object.PlaybackSpeed() Return the playback speed of a video object
Object.Volume() Get the volume of a video object, between 0 (muted) and 100 (maximum).